It is important to maintain the tip-top shape of your roof so you can have a safe and comfortable home year-round. However, there will come a time when roof repairs will not be enough to prevent persistent problems such as leaks and dry rot. In this article, Abby Windows & Exteriors, one of the most trusted roof and door replacement companies in the area, talks about the three times when a roof replacement is better than repairs.

Your roof has reached its sell-by date. Each roofing material has its own sell-by date. While a clay or metal roof can last for more than 50 years, an asphalt shingle roof usually expires within two decades. If your current roof has sustained structural damage over the years and is nearing the end of its life, then you should consider replacing it.
The water or storm damage to your roof is overwhelming. If a tall tree falls on your house during a storm event, the damage will likely be too widescale for a simple repair. As a general rule, roof repairs can only fix the damage that covers only 30 percent of the roof. If the scope of impairments exceeds that threshold, then purchasing a replacement roof from a local roof and new entry doors contractor is your smartest option.
Any repair work will only be a temporary fix. Although a new roof is more expensive than a repair, sometimes it is a cost-effective choice to make. For example, if a new roof only costs between $500 to $1,000 more than the required repair service, it will probably be best to opt for the replacement roof. Most times, repair work may only give your roof another four to five years of use, while a completely new roof can give you another 20 years of use.
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